Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is this sick? (in a bad way now a good way!)?

Alright, so there's this guy and basically we've had an on and off relationship for a year now and I've really been trying to prove to him I can committ and that I love him (and I DO) but he just didn't want to get hurt again so he said we should both take time off which is fine. The first person I told that I was sure I was in love with him was my friend, we'll call her D. So anyway, a few weeks p and I star seeing D flirting with HIM and to spare you the details today he asked her to the upcoming dance and she said yes. AND then by the way, told me and was gushing about how great it would be. She was asking for kissing advice and was like "O you don't mind right?" and I DID mind but to be honest I'm one of those people who doesn't act upset even when they are so I told her it was fine and I'm sobbing hysterically ignoring her txt msg's. I mean, could she be any more cruel and ugh. Is is just me or does this sound a bit digusting?!!

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