Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why don't some Americans view health care as a human right?

I am an an American citizen and I have seen numerous doentaries and read numerous articles on health care in other industrialized nations around the world. The piece on Frontline this week was especially good. When the reporter asked world leaders how many people went broke in their nation because of health care bills, they all laughed or looked surprised and said, "Absolutely none." One prime minister even said if that happened to one person, it would be a national scandal in that country. ALL industrialized nations provided health care for their citizens even if those citizens were unemployed. Even the most conservative politicians in those countries viewed health care as a human right. It wasn't even a partisan issue in those countries. In the U.S., we now view education and legal representation as human rights, so why don't some Americans view health care as a human right?

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